
From 3 pm : Round table discussion with authors and guests.
From 5 pm : Book launch event and exhibition.
@ Anteism Books (435 Rue Beaubien Ouest, #100, Montreal)

Authors Christopher Salter and Sofian Audry will get together to discuss their recent publications, respectively, “Art in the Age of Machine Learning” (MIT Press, 2021) and “Sensing machines: How sensors shape our everyday life” (MIT Press, 2022). The live-streamed roundtable will be followed by a book launch and signature session. Both authors entangle art, culture and social-cultural responses to technology.

*The number of seats available will be limited, but the event will be broadcast live here.*

Audry's Art in the Age of Machine Learning focuses on artistic practices at the intersection of machine learning and new media art, providing conceptual tools and historical perspectives for new media artists, musicians, composers, writers, curators, and theorists. Looking at works from a broad range of practices from media art to music and literature, Audry connects machine learning art to such earlier artistic practices as cybernetics art, artificial life art, and evolutionary art. The book describes artistic practice through the fundamental design of machine learning algorithms, considering learning procedures, models, and the role of data in machine learning art.

Salter’s new book, Sensing Machines, examines how we are tracked, surveilled, tantalized, and seduced by machines ranging from smart watches and mood trackers to massive immersive art installations. There are more of these electronic devices in the world than there are people—in 2020, thirty to fifty billion of them (versus 7.8 billion people), with more than a trillion expected in the next decade. Sensing technology turns our experience into data; but the book’s story isn't just about what these machines want from us, but what we want from them—new sensations, the thrill of the uncanny, and magic that will transport us from our daily grind.
Exhibited works from:
Refik Anadol
Sofia Crespo
Erin Gee
David Jhave Johnston
Anna Ridler
Mike Tyka
... and many others

Since its establishment in 2004, Anteism Books has nurtured a collaborative publishing practice that embraces both traditional print/binding and developments in novel technologies. We are excited to work with artists to explore and present the creative use and disruptive potential of Machine Learning (AI) in art and publishing practices.